Design Articles January 2016

Tips For Creating Better User Interfaces
A great user interface is not just a piece of art – it needs to be flawlessly functional and leave no space for confusion when performing different tasks.
Semantic Animation in Interface Design
Animation is fast becoming an essential part of interface design, and it’s easy to see why. It gives us a whole new dimension to play with—time. 
In defence of the hamburger menu
It’s interesting seeing how quickly hamburger menus have turned from handy UI element to social pariah. 
Branding Meets Material Design
Certain apps have adapted Material design in a fantastically subtle way; picking and choosing which elements or principles to adapt into their existing interfaces. 
Responsive web typography with CSS
Responsive typography is a tough nut to crack. This was the best method I could come up with when I first started creating responsive websites.
A new mobile navigation menu
I designed this menu for PlayStation and it went through several internal drafts and prototypes before going through usability testing with Nielsen Norman Group.


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